Optimizing Talent Acquisition in Mid-Market Manufacturing

A Strategic Approach to Recruitment

Short on Time? Read This: 2024 is set to redefine manufacturing recruiting with unique challenges. This article offers actionable strategies for effective talent acquisition, showcasing innovative HR technology, social media recruiting, employee well-being, and the critical role of specialized partners like Talent Growth Partners.

Understanding Today's Talent Landscape

The manufacturing sector stands at a crossroads in talent acquisition. Consider this: according to a Grant Thornton State of Work in America survey, 22% of manufacturing workers switched jobs last year, and 24% are likely to do so soon. Meanwhile, 49% are open to new opportunities. This evolving scenario demands innovative recruitment and retention strategies.

Practical and Actionable Strategies for 2024

  1. Effective Onboarding - Key to Enhancing Employee Experience and Commitment: Creating a welcoming and engaging onboarding experience is crucial in shaping an employee's journey within an organization. Highly effective onboarding, as we've seen with our clients at Talent Growth Partners, is not just about integration; it's about instilling a sense of loyalty and commitment. Employees who rate their onboarding experience as 'highly effective' are significantly more likely to feel a deep allegiance to their company. However, a Gallup study reveals a concerning trend: only 12% of employees believe their organization excels in onboarding. Addressing this gap, especially for new leaders, can yield remarkable benefits. Providing support through an executive coach in the initial months enhances their confidence, idea contribution, and cultural assimilation. Our experience at Talent Growth Partners underscores the transformative impact of combining strategic onboarding with executive coaching, leading to faster integration, more confident leadership, and a stronger commitment to organizational goals.

  2. Smart HR Tech: According to LinkedIn's 2020 Global Talent Trends report, 76% of hiring managers believe AI is a time-saver. Use AI-driven tools for initial screening and rely on personal interviews for final selections to maintain the human touch. Talent Growth Partners has several team members that are pursuing learning and development opportunities to ensure they are on the cusp of AI and recruitment.  When combined with their sourcing technology and expertise, they can offer clients smart technology solutions for HR and recruitment.

  3. Enhancing Candidate Engagement - The Power of Transparency and First Impressions: Building trust and retention starts at the very beginning of the hiring process. A Glassdoor survey highlights that 79% of job seekers prioritize a company's mission when applying, underscoring the need for transparency from employers. This transparency not only fosters trust but also aligns candidates with the company's core values, potentially boosting long-term retention. Equally crucial is the impact of first impressions. Research shows that candidates form their initial impression within the first seven seconds of an interview. Therefore, creating a welcoming interview environment and maintaining consistent communication post-interview are key steps in reinforcing a positive perception and engagement with potential hires. Together, honesty in communicating the company's mission and attentiveness in the initial interactions lay a solid foundation for a successful and enduring employer-employee relationship.

  4. Empowering Leaders with Targeted Coaching: When coupled with executive coaching, new hires are not only integrated into the company culture faster, but they also feel more empowered to contribute ideas and drive results. 70% of individuals who receive coaching see improvement in work performance and relationships, and 93% of companies report significantly less turnover when they offer coaching to employees. (Interested in providing coaching to your team? Let us help!)

  5. Prioritize Employee Well-Being: The Harvard Business Review notes that companies with strong health and wellness programs see improvements in employee retention and job satisfaction.

  6. Maximizing Recruitment Efficacy - Internal Referrals Meets External Expertise:  Effective recruitment requires a dual approach: leveraging internal networks and external expertise. Employee referral programs, as Jobvite’s study reveals, have a 45% two-year retention rate, far surpassing the 20% from job boards. This internal strategy harnesses the trusted networks of current employees, enhancing cultural fit. Complementarity, a partnership with a recruitment agency like Talent Growth Partners is invaluable. As reported by LinkedIn, 80% of talent acquisition managers consider such agencies crucial. Talent Growth Partners brings specialized skills and a wider candidate pool, augmenting your hiring process. Combining internal referrals with the expertise of a recruitment partner forms a dynamic, effective recruitment strategy.

  7. Online Reputation Management: 72% of job seekers are likely to reject a job offer from a company with a bad online reputation, even if unemployed, as per CareerArc's Employer Branding Study.

  8. Job Postings with Personality: CareerBuilder clients have shown a 34 percent greater

    application rate when they add a video to their job postings. Don’t just tell candidates about the basics, show them what your culture is like and what they’ll be doing. Every search that Talent Growth Partners takes on, includes a re-written job description that specializes in targeting for the passive candidate marketplace.

  9. Unified Employer Branding: A study by LinkedIn found that a strong employer brand can reduce turnover by 28% and cut cost-per-hire by half. Consider consulting with branding experts, like those at Talent Growth Partners, for cohesive brand messaging.

Talent Growth Partners Approach

At Talent Growth Partners, we recognize the nuances of recruiting in the manufacturing sector. Our approach combines the latest industry insights with a deep understanding of your unique needs:

  • Customized Recruitment Solutions: Tailored strategies that align with your organizational culture and goals.

  • Industry Expertise: In-depth knowledge of the manufacturing sector to identify and attract top talent.

  • Partnership Approach: Acting as an extension of your HR team to provide seamless recruitment support.

  • Focus on Quality and Efficiency: Streamlining the recruitment process while ensuring the highest quality of hires.

In 2024, success in manufacturing recruitment demands a blend of innovative strategies and practical solutions. By adopting these approaches and partnering with experts like Talent Growth Partners, you can navigate the challenges of talent acquisition, setting your business up for long-term success and growth.

Interested in even more new trends when it comes to recruiting in the manufacturing space in 2024? Check out this blog post that dives deeper into the intersection of HR and the metaverse in manufacturing!

Contact Talent Growth Partners today for a personalized consultation on how we can support your talent acquisition strategy.